Source code for brian2tools.mdexport.expander

Standard markdown expander class to expand Brian objects to
markdown text using standard dictionary representation of baseexport
from brian2.equations.equations import str_to_sympy
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import DIMENSIONLESS, Quantity, get_dimensions
from sympy import Derivative, symbols
from sympy.printing import latex
from import *
from markdown_strings import *
import numpy as np
import re
import inspect
import datetime
import brian2

# define variables for often used delimiters
endll = '\n\n'
endl = '\n'
tab = '\t'

[docs]class MdExpander(): """ Build Markdown texts from run dictionary. The class contain various expand functions for corresponding Brian objects and get standard dictionary as argument to expand them with sentences in markdown format. Note ---- If suppose the user would like to change the format or wordings in the exported model descriptions, one can derive from this standard markdown expander class to override the required changes in expand functions. """ def __init__(self, brian_verbose=False, include_monitors=False, keep_initializer_order=False, author=None, add_meta=False, github_md=False): """ Constructor for `MdExpander` Parameters ---------- brian_verbose : bool, optional Whether to use Brian-like words for markdown exporter and if set ``True``, the names will be Brian based. For example, when set ``False``, 'SpikeGeneratorGroup` will be changed to something like, "'Spike generating source" include_monitors : bool, optional Whether to document the monitors (e.g. `SpikeMonitor` or `StateMonitor`). Defaults to ``False`` keep_initializer_order : bool, optional Whether to keep the order of variable initializations and `Synapses.connect` statements. If set to ``False`` (the default), these will instead be included with the respective objects which could in principle lead to inaccuracies if the statements include references to other variables. author : str, optional Author field to add in the metadata add_meta : bool, optional Whether to attach meta field in output markdown text github_md : bool, optional Whether should render in GitHub supported markdown. Set `False` as default (`MathJax` based) and if set `False`, image has to created and embedded """ self.brian_verbose = brian_verbose self.include_monitors = include_monitors self.keep_initializer_order = keep_initializer_order # if author name is given if author: if type(author) != str: raise Exception('Author field should be string, \ not {} type'.format(type(author))) else: author = '-' = author # get source file name, datetime and Brian version frame = inspect.stack()[1] user_file = inspect.getmodule(frame[0]).__file__ date_time = brian_version = brian2.__version__ # prepare meta-data meta_data = italics('Filename: {}\ \nAuthor: {}\ \nDate and localtime: {}\ \nBrian version: {}'.format(user_file, author, date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'), brian_version)) + endl + horizontal_rule() + endl self.meta_data = meta_data self.user_file = user_file self.add_meta = add_meta self.github_md = github_md
[docs] def check_plural(self, iterable, singular_word=None, allow_constants=True, is_int=False): """ Function to attach plural form of the word by examining the following iterable Parameters ---------- iterable : object with `__iter__` attribute Object that has to be examined singular_word : str, optional Word whose plural form has to searched in `singular_plural_dict` allow_constants : bool, optional Whether to assume non iterable as singular, if set as `True`, the `iterable` argument must be an iterable is_int : int, optional Check whether number `1` is passed, if > 1 return plural, by default set as `False`. Note: `allow_constants` should be `True` """ count = 0 # dict where adding 's' at the end won't work singular_plural_dict = {'index': 'indices', 'property': 'properties' } # check iterable if hasattr(iterable, '__iter__'): for _ in iterable: count += 1 if count > 1: if singular_word: try: return singular_plural_dict[singular_word] except KeyError: raise Exception("The singular word is not found \ in singular-plural dictionary.") return 's' # check allow constants elif not allow_constants: raise IndexError("Suppose to be iterable object \ but instance got {}".format(type(iterable))) elif is_int and iterable > 1: return 's' return ''
[docs] def prepare_math_statements(self, statements, differential=False, separate=False, equals='←'): """ Prepare statements to render in markdown format Parameters ---------- statements : str String containing mathematical equations and statements differential : bool, optional Whether should be treated as variable in differential equation separate : bool, optional Whether lhs and rhs of the statement should be separated and rendered equals : str, optional Equals operator, by default arrow from right to left """ rend_str = '' # split multilines list_eqns = re.split(';|\n', statements) # loop through each line for statement in list_eqns: # check lhs-rhs to be separated if separate: # possible operators if ('+=' in statement or '=' in statement or '-=' in statement): # join lhs and rhs lhs, rhs = re.split('-=|\+=|=', statement) if '+=' in statement: rend_str += ('Increase ' + self.render_expression(lhs) + ' by ' + self.render_expression(rhs)) elif '-=' in statement: rend_str += ('Decrease ' + self.render_expression(lhs) + ' by ' + self.render_expression(rhs)) else: rend_str += (self.render_expression(lhs) + equals + self.render_expression(rhs)) rend_str += ', ' # if need not separate else: rend_str += self.render_expression(statement, differential) # to remove ',' from last item return rend_str[:-2]
[docs] def prepare_array(self, arr, threshold=10, precision=2): """ Prepare arrays using `numpy.array2string` Parameters ---------- arr : `numpy.ndarray` Numpy array to prepare threshold : int, optional Threshold value to print all members precision : int, optional Floating point precision """ if not isinstance(arr, Quantity): arr = np.array(arr) old_threshold = np.get_printoptions()['threshold'] old_precision = np.get_printoptions()['precision'] np.set_printoptions(threshold=threshold, precision=precision) md_str = str(arr) # reset to old value np.set_printoptions(threshold=old_threshold,precision=old_precision) return md_str
[docs] def render_expression(self, expression, differential=False): """ Function to render mathematical expression using `sympy.printing.latex` Parameters ---------- expression : str, Quantity Expression that has to rendered differential : bool, optional Whether should be treated as variable in differential equation Returns ------- rend_exp : str Markdown text for the expression """ # change to str if not isinstance(expression, Quantity): if not isinstance(expression, str): expression = str(expression) # convert to sympy expression expression = str_to_sympy(expression) # check to be treated as differential variable if differential: # independent variable is always 't' t = symbols('t') expression = Derivative(expression, 't') # render expression rend_exp = latex(expression, mode='equation', itex=True, mul_symbol='dot') # Deal with rand() and randn() rend_exp = rend_exp.replace(r'\operatorname{rand}{\left(_placeholder_{arg} \right)}', r'\mathcal{U}{\left(0, 1\right)}') rend_exp = rend_exp.replace(r'\operatorname{randn}{\left(_placeholder_{arg} \right)}', r'\mathcal{N}{\left(0, 1\right)}') # remove remaining _placeholder_{arg} inside brackets rend_exp = rend_exp.replace('_placeholder_{arg}', '-') # check GitHub based markdown rendering if self.github_md: # to remove `$$` rend_exp = rend_exp[2:][:-2] # link to render as image git_rend_exp = ( '<img src="'+ rend_exp + '">' ) return git_rend_exp # to remove `$` (in most md compiler single $ is used) return rend_exp[1:][:-1]
[docs] def create_md_string(self, net_dict): """ Create markdown text by checking the standard dictionary and call required expand functions and arrange the descriptions """ # expand network header overall_string = self.expand_network_header(net_dict) # start going to the dictionary items in particular run instance for run_indx in range(len(net_dict)): # details about the particular run run_dict = net_dict[run_indx] # expand run header run_string = self.expand_run_header(run_dict, run_indx, single_run=len(net_dict) == 1) # map expand functions for particular components # h: "general user" naming / 'hb': "Brian" user naming func_map = {'neurongroup': {'f': self.expand_NeuronGroup, 'hb': 'NeuronGroup', 'h': 'Neuron population', 'order': 1}, 'poissongroup': {'f': self.expand_PoissonGroup, 'hb': 'PoissonGroup', 'h': 'Poisson spike source', 'order': 2}, 'spikegeneratorgroup': {'f': self.expand_SpikeGeneratorGroup, 'hb': 'SpikeGeneratorGroup', 'h': 'Spike generating source', 'order': 2}, 'statemonitor': {'f': self.expand_StateMonitor, 'hb': 'StateMonitor', 'h': 'Activity recorder', 'order': 4}, 'spikemonitor': {'f': self.expand_SpikeMonitor, 'hb': 'SpikeMonitor', 'h': 'Spiking activity recorder', 'order': 4}, 'eventmonitor': {'f': self.expand_EventMonitor, 'hb': 'EventMonitor', 'h': 'Event activity recorder', 'order': 4}, 'populationratemonitor': {'f': self.expand_PopulationRateMonitor, 'hb': 'PopulationRateMonitor', 'h': 'Population rate recorder', 'order': 4}, 'synapses': {'f': self.expand_Synapses, 'hb': 'Synapses', 'h': 'Synapse', 'order': 3}, 'poissoninput': {'f': self.expand_PoissonInput, 'hb': 'PoissonInput', 'h': 'Poisson input', 'order': 0}} # loop over each order and expand the item # (same complexity as sorting the dict) order_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] for current_order in order_list: # TODO: Implement skipping monitors properly if current_order == 4 and not self.include_monitors: continue # loop through the components for (obj_key, obj_list) in run_dict['components'].items(): # whether object component is in map and correct order if (obj_key in func_map.keys() and func_map[obj_key]['order'] == current_order): # loop through the members in list # check Brian based verbose is required if self.brian_verbose: obj_h = func_map[obj_key]['hb'] else: obj_h = func_map[obj_key]['h'] run_string += (bold(obj_h + self.check_plural(obj_list) + ' :') + endl) # point out components for obj_mem in obj_list: if not self.keep_initializer_order: # Add initializer/connector information to the respective dict initializers_connectors = run_dict.get('initializers_connectors', []) if obj_key in ['neurongroup', 'synapses']: obj_mem['initializer'] = [initializer for initializer in initializers_connectors if initializer['type'] == 'initializer' and initializer['source'] == obj_mem['name']] if obj_key == 'synapses': obj_mem['connectors'] = [connector for connector in initializers_connectors if connector['type'] == 'connect' and connector['synapses'] == obj_mem['name']] run_string += ('- ' + func_map[obj_key]['f'](obj_mem)) if self.keep_initializer_order: # differentiate connectors and initializers any_init = False any_connect = 0 if 'initializers_connectors' in run_dict: # loop through the members only to check the items for init_cont in run_dict['initializers_connectors']: if init_cont['type'] == 'initializer': any_init = True else: any_connect += 1 # check at least any one is present if any_init or any_connect: if any_init: run_string += bold('Initializing at start') if any_connect: if any_init: run_string += ' and ' run_string += bold('Synaptic connection' + self.check_plural(any_connect, is_int=True) + ' :') run_string += endl for init_cont in run_dict['initializers_connectors']: # expand accordingly if init_cont['type'] == 'initializer': run_string += ('- ' + self.expand_initializer(init_cont)) else: run_string += '- ' + self.expand_connector(init_cont) # check inactive objects if 'inactive' in run_dict: run_string += endl run_string += (bold('Inactive member' + self.check_plural(run_dict['inactive']) + ':') + endl) run_string += ', '.join(run_dict['inactive']) run_string += ('The simulation was run for ' + bold(str(run_dict['duration'])) + endll) overall_string += run_string # final markdown text to pass to `build()` self.md_text = overall_string if self.add_meta: self.md_text = self.meta_data + self.md_text return self.md_text
[docs] def expand_network_header(self, net_dict): """ Expand function to write network header """ md_str = header('Network details', 1) + endl n_runs = '' if len(net_dict) > 1: n_runs += 's' # mention about no. of total run simulations md_str += ('The Network consist' + n_runs + ' of {} simulation \ run'.format(bold(len(net_dict))) + self.check_plural(net_dict) + endl + horizontal_rule() + endl) return md_str
[docs] def expand_run_header(self, run_dict, run_indx, single_run=False): """ Expand run() header Parameters ---------- run_dict : dict run dictionary run_indx : int Index of run single_run : bool, optional Whether only single run() defined for the network """ md_str = '' if not single_run: md_str += header('Run ' + str(run_indx + 1) + ' details', 3) md_str += endl return md_str
[docs] def expand_NeuronGroup(self, neurongrp): """ Expand NeuronGroup from standard dictionary Parameters ---------- neurongrp : dict Standard dictionary of NeuronGroup """ # start expanding md_str = '' # name and size md_str += ('Group ' + bold(neurongrp['name']) + ', consisting of ' + bold(neurongrp['N']) + ' neurons.' + endll) # expand model equations md_str += tab + bold('Model dynamics:') + endll md_str += self.expand_equations(neurongrp['equations']) if neurongrp['user_method']: md_str += (tab + 'The equations are integrated with the \'' + neurongrp['user_method'] + '\' method.' + endll) # expand associated events if 'events' in neurongrp: md_str += tab + bold('Events:') + endll md_str += self.expand_events(neurongrp['events']) # expand identifiers associated if 'identifiers' in neurongrp: md_str += tab + bold('Constants:') + ' ' md_str += self.expand_identifiers(neurongrp['identifiers']) + endll if not self.keep_initializer_order and 'initializer' in neurongrp and len(neurongrp['initializer']): md_str += tab + bold('Initial values:') + '\n' for initializer in neurongrp['initializer']: md_str += tab + '* ' + self.expand_initializer(initializer) + '\n' md_str += '\n' # expand run_regularly() if 'run_regularly' in neurongrp: md_str += (tab + bold('Run regularly') + self.check_plural(neurongrp['run_regularly']) + ': ' + endll) for run_reg in neurongrp['run_regularly']: md_str += self.expand_runregularly(run_reg) return md_str
[docs] def expand_SpikeSource(self, source): """ Check whether subgroup dict and expand accordingly Parameters ---------- source : str, dict Source group name or subgroup dictionary """ if isinstance(source, str): return italics(source) # if not one member if source['start'] != source['stop']: return ('neurons ' + str(source['start']) + ' to ' + str(source['stop']) + ' of ' + italics(source['group'])) # if only single member return ('neuron ' + str(source['start']) + ' of '+ italics(source['group']))
[docs] def expand_identifier(self, ident_key, ident_value): """ Expand identifer (key-value form) Parameters ---------- ident_key : str Identifier name ident_value : Quantity, str, dict Identifier value. Dictionary if identifer is of type either `TimedArray` or custom function """ ident_str = '' # if not `TimedArray` nor custom function if type(ident_value) != dict: ident_str += (self.render_expression(ident_key) + "= " + self.render_expression(ident_value)) # expand dictionary else: ident_str += (self.render_expression(ident_key) + ' of type ' + ident_value['type']) if ident_value['type'] == 'timedarray': ident_str += (' with dimension ' + self.render_expression(ident_value['ndim']) + ' and dt as ' + self.render_expression(ident_value['dt'])) return ident_str
[docs] def expand_identifiers(self, identifiers): """ Expand function to loop through identifiers and call `expand_identifier` """ idents = [self.expand_identifier(key, value) for key, value in identifiers.items()] if len(idents) == 1: idents_str = idents[0] elif len(idents) == 2: idents_str = idents[0] + ' and ' + idents[1] else: idents_str = ', '.join(idents[:-1]) + ', and ' + idents[-1] return idents_str
[docs] def expand_event(self, event_name, event_details): """ Function to expand event dictionary Parameters ---------- event_name : str name of the event event_details : dict details of the event """ event_str = '' event_str += tab + ('If ' + self.render_expression(event_details['threshold']['code']) + ', a ' + bold(event_name) + ' event is triggered') if 'reset' in event_details: event_str += (' and ' + self.prepare_math_statements( event_details['reset']['code'], separate=True) ) event_str += '.' if 'refractory' in event_details: if isinstance(event_details['refractory'], Quantity): event_str += ' The neuron remains refractory for ' event_str += self.render_expression(event_details['refractory']) + '.' else: event_str += ' The neuron remains refractory as long as ' event_str += self.render_expression(event_details['refractory']) + '.' return event_str + endll
[docs] def expand_events(self, events): """ Expand function to loop through all events and call `expand_event` """ events_str = '' for name, details in events.items(): events_str += self.expand_event(name, details) return events_str
[docs] def expand_equation(self, var, equation): """ Expand Equation from equation dictionary Parameters ---------- var : str Variable name equation : dict Details of the equation """ rend_eqn = '' if equation['type'] == 'differential equation': rend_eqn += self.render_expression(var, differential=True) elif equation['type'] == 'subexpression': rend_eqn += self.render_expression(var) else: rend_eqn += 'Parameter ' + self.render_expression(var) if get_dimensions(equation['unit']) is DIMENSIONLESS: unit = '(dimensionless)' else: unit = '(in units of ' + self.render_expression(equation['unit']) + ')' rend_eqn += ' ' + unit if 'expr' in equation: rend_eqn += '=' + self.render_expression(equation['expr']) # TODO: How to handle units # rend_eqn += (", where unit of " + self.render_expression(var) + # " is " + str(equation['unit'])) if 'flags' in equation: if 'unless refractory' in equation['flags']: rend_eqn += ', except during the refractory period.' # TODO: How to handle other flags? # rend_eqn += (' and ' + self.prepare_array(equation['flags']) + # ' as flag' + self.check_plural(equation['flags']) + # ' associated') return tab + rend_eqn + endll
[docs] def expand_equations(self, equations): """ Function to loop all equations """ rend_eqns = '' for (var, equation) in equations.items(): rend_eqns += self.expand_equation(var, equation) return rend_eqns
[docs] def expand_initializer(self, initializer): """ Expand initializer from initializer dictionary Parameters ---------- initializer : dict Dictionary representation of initializer """ init_str = '' init_str += ('Variable ' + self.render_expression(initializer['variable'])) if self.keep_initializer_order: init_str += (' of ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(initializer['source']) + ' initialized with ') else: init_str += '= ' init_str += self.render_expression(initializer['value']) # not a good checking if (isinstance(initializer['index'], str) and (initializer['index'] != 'True' and initializer['index'] != 'False')): init_str += ' if ' + self.render_expression(initializer['index']) elif (isinstance(initializer['index'], bool) or (initializer['index'] == 'True' or initializer['index'] == 'False')): if initializer['index'] is True or initializer['index'] == 'True': init_str += '' # "to all members" implied else: raise AssertionError('Initialization with \'False\' as index?') else: init_str += (' to member' + self.check_plural(initializer['index']) + ' ') if not hasattr(initializer['index'], '__iter___'): init_str += str(initializer['index']) else: init_str += ','.join( [str(ind) for ind in initializer['index']] ) if 'identifiers' in initializer: init_str += (', where ' + self.expand_identifiers(initializer['identifiers']) + '.') # pad new line if ordered in list if self.keep_initializer_order: return init_str + endll return init_str
[docs] def expand_connector(self, connector): """ Expand synaptic connector from connector dictionary Parameters ---------- connector : dict Dictionary representation of connector """ con_str = '' if self.keep_initializer_order: # Otherwise not necessary since this is part of the Synapses description con_str += ('Connection from ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(connector['source']) + ' to ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(connector['target'])) if 'i' in connector: con_str += ('. From source group ' + self.check_plural(connector['i'], 'index') + ': ') if not isinstance(connector['i'], str): if hasattr(connector['i'], '__iter__'): con_str += self.prepare_array(connector['i']) else: con_str += str(connector['i']) else: con_str += (' with generator syntax ' + inline_code(connector['i'])) if 'j' in connector: con_str += (' to target group ' + self.check_plural(connector['j'], 'index') + ': ') if not isinstance(connector['j'], str): if hasattr(connector['j'], '__iter__'): con_str += self.prepare_array(connector['j']) else: con_str += str(connector['j']) else: con_str += (' with generator syntax ' + inline_code(connector['j'])) else: con_str += ' to all target group members' elif 'j' in connector: con_str += '. Connection for all members in source group' if not isinstance(connector['j'], str): con_str += (' to target group ' + self.check_plural(connector['j'], 'index') + ': ') if hasattr(connector['j'], '__iter__'): con_str += self.prepare_array(connector['j']) else: con_str += str(connector['j']) else: con_str += (' to target group with generator syntax ' + inline_code(connector['j'])) elif 'condition' in connector: con_str += (' with condition ' + self.render_expression(connector['condition'])) else: con_str += '. Pairwise connections' if connector['probability'] != 1: con_str += (' with probability ' + self.render_expression(connector['probability'])) if connector['n_connections'] != 1: con_str += (' with number of connections ' + self.render_expression(connector['n_connections'])) if 'identifiers' in connector: con_str += ('. Constants associated: ' + self.expand_identifiers(connector['identifiers'])) return con_str + '.' + endll
[docs] def expand_PoissonGroup(self, poisngrp): """ Expand PoissonGroup from standard dictionary Parameters ---------- poisngrp : dict Standard dictionary of PoissonGroup """ md_str = '' md_str += (tab + 'Name ' + bold(poisngrp['name']) + ', with \ population size ' + bold(poisngrp['N']) + ' and rate as ' + self.render_expression(poisngrp['rates']) + '.' + endll) if 'identifiers' in poisngrp: md_str += tab + bold('Constants:') + endll md_str += self.expand_identifiers(poisngrp['identifiers']) if 'run_regularly' in poisngrp: md_str += tab + bold('Run regularly: ') + endll for run_reg in poisngrp['run_regularly']: md_str += self.expand_runregularly(run_reg) return md_str
[docs] def expand_SpikeGeneratorGroup(self, spkgen): """ Expand SpikeGeneratorGroup from standard dictionary Parameters ---------- spkgen : dict Standard dictionary of SpikeGeneratorGroup """ md_str = '' md_str += (tab + 'Name ' + bold(spkgen['name']) + ', with population size ' + bold(spkgen['N']) + ', has neuron' + self.check_plural(spkgen['indices']) + ': ' + self.prepare_array(spkgen['indices']) + ' that spike at times ' + self.prepare_array(spkgen['times']) + ', with period ' + str(spkgen['period']) + '.' + endll) if 'run_regularly' in spkgen: md_str += tab + bold('Run regularly: ') + endll for run_reg in spkgen['run_regularly']: md_str += self.expand_runregularly(run_reg) return md_str
[docs] def expand_StateMonitor(self, statemon): """ Expand StateMonitor from standard dictionary Parameters ---------- statemon : dict Standard dictionary of StateMonitor """ md_str = '' md_str += (tab + 'Monitors variable' + self.check_plural(statemon['variables']) + ': ' + ','.join( [self.render_expression(var) for var in statemon['variables']] ) + ' of ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(statemon['source'])) if isinstance(statemon['record'], bool): if statemon['record']: md_str += ' for all members' else: # another bad hack (before with initializers) if not statemon['record'].size: md_str += ' for no member' else: md_str += (', for member' + self.check_plural(statemon['record']) + ': ' + ','.join([str(ind) for ind in statemon['record']])) return md_str + endll
[docs] def expand_SpikeMonitor(self, spikemon): """ Expand SpikeMonitor from standard representation Parameters ---------- spikemon : dict Standard dictionary of SpikeMonitor """ return self.expand_EventMonitor(spikemon)
[docs] def expand_EventMonitor(self, eventmon): """ Expand EventMonitor from standard representation Parameters ---------- eventmon : dict Standard dictionary of EventMonitor """ md_str = '' md_str += (tab + 'Monitors variable' + self.check_plural(eventmon['variables']) + ': ' + ','.join( [self.render_expression(var) for var in eventmon['variables']] ) + ' of ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(eventmon['source'])) if isinstance(eventmon['record'], bool): if eventmon['record']: md_str += ' for all members' else: if not eventmon['record'].size: md_str += ' for no member' else: md_str += ( ', for member' + self.check_plural(eventmon['record']) + ': ' + ','.join([str(ind) for ind in eventmon['record']])) md_str += (' when event ' + bold(eventmon['event']) + ' is triggered') return md_str + endll
[docs] def expand_PopulationRateMonitor(self, popratemon): """ Expand PopulationRateMonitor Parameters ---------- popratemon : dict PopulationRateMonitor's baseexport dictionary """ md_str = '' md_str += (tab + 'Monitors the population of ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(popratemon['source']) + '.' + endll) return md_str
[docs] def expand_pathway(self, pathway): """ Expand `SynapticPathway` Parameters ---------- pathway : dict SynapticPathway's baseexport dictionary """ if pathway['prepost'] == 'pre': pathway_str = 'pre-synaptic' elif pathway['prepost'] == 'post': pathway_str = 'post-synaptic' else: pathway_str = pathway['prepost'] if pathway['event'] == 'spike': event_str = 'spike' else: event_str = italics(pathway['event']) + ' event' md_str = (tab + 'For each ' + bold(pathway_str) + ' ' + pathway['event'] + ': ' + self.prepare_math_statements(pathway['code'], separate=True) ) # check delay is associated if 'delay' in pathway: md_str += (', with a synaptic delay of ' + self.render_expression(pathway['delay'])) return md_str
[docs] def expand_pathways(self, pathways): """ Loop through pathways and call `expand_pathway` """ path_strs = [self.expand_pathway(pathway) for pathway in pathways] return endll.join(path_strs)
[docs] def expand_summed_variable(self, sum_variable): """ Expand Summed variable Parameters ---------- sum_variabe : dict SummedVariable's baseexport dictionary """ md_str = (tab + 'Updates target group ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(sum_variable['target']) + ' with statement: ' + self.render_expression(sum_variable['code']) + endll) return md_str
[docs] def expand_summed_variables(self, sum_variables): """ Loop through summed variables and call `expand_summed_variable` """ sum_var_str = '' for sum_var in sum_variables: sum_var_str += self.expand_summed_variable(sum_var) return sum_var_str
[docs] def expand_Synapses(self, synapse): """ Expand `Synapses` details from Baseexporter dictionary Parameters ---------- synapse : dict Dictionary representation of `Synapses` object """ md_str = '' md_str += (tab + 'Connections ' + bold(synapse['name']) + ', connecting ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(synapse['source']) + ' to ' + self.expand_SpikeSource(synapse['target']) ) # expand connectors if not self.keep_initializer_order and 'connectors' in synapse: if len(synapse['connectors']) > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Only a single connect statement per Synapses object supported.') if len(synapse['connectors']): md_str += tab + self.expand_connector(synapse['connectors'][0]) else: md_str += '.' + endll # expand model equations if 'equations' in synapse: md_str += tab + bold('Model dynamics:') + endll md_str += self.expand_equations(synapse['equations']) if 'user_method' in synapse: md_str += (tab + 'The equations are integrated with the \'' + synapse['user_method'] + '\' method.' + endll) # expand pathways using `expand_pathways` if 'pathways' in synapse: md_str += self.expand_pathways(synapse['pathways']) if 'equations' not in synapse and 'identifiers' in synapse: # Put the external constants right here md_str += tab + ', where ' + self.expand_identifiers(synapse['identifiers']) + '.' md_str += endll # expand summed_variables using `expand_summed_variables` if 'summed_variables' in synapse: md_str += tab + bold('Summed variables:') + endll md_str += self.expand_summed_variables(synapse['summed_variables']) # expand identifiers if defined if 'identifiers' in synapse and 'equations' in synapse: md_str += tab + bold('Constants:') + ' ' md_str += self.expand_identifiers(synapse['identifiers']) + endll if not self.keep_initializer_order and 'initializer' in synapse and len(synapse['initializer']): md_str += tab + bold('Initial values:') + '\n' for initializer in synapse['initializer']: md_str += tab + '* ' + self.expand_initializer(initializer) + '\n' md_str += '\n' return md_str
[docs] def expand_PoissonInput(self, poinp): """ Expand PoissonInput Parameters ---------- poinp : dict Standard dictionary representation for PoissonInput """ md_str = '' md_str += (tab + 'PoissonInput with size ' + bold(poinp['N']) + ' gives input to variable ' + self.render_expression(poinp['target_var']) + ' with rate ' + self.render_expression(poinp['rate']) + ' and weight of ' + self.render_expression(poinp['weight']) + endll) if 'identifiers' in poinp: md_str += tab + bold('Constants:') + endll md_str += self.expand_identifiers(poinp['identifiers']) return md_str
[docs] def expand_runregularly(self, run_reg): """ Expand run_regularly from standard dictionary Parameters ---------- run_reg : dict Standard dictionary representation for run_regularly() """ md_str = (tab + 'For every ' + self.render_expression(run_reg['dt']) + ' code: ' + self.prepare_math_statements(run_reg['code'], separate=True) + ' will be executed' + endll) return md_str