Source code for brian2tools.baseexport.collector

The file contains simple functions to collect information
from BrianObjects and represent them in a standard
dictionary format. The parts of the file shall be reused
with standard format exporter.
from brian2.codegen.translation import analyse_identifiers
from brian2.equations.equations import PARAMETER
from brian2.utils.stringtools import get_identifiers
from brian2.groups.neurongroup import StateUpdater
from import CodeRunner
from brian2.synapses.synapses import SummedVariableUpdater, SynapticPathway
from brian2.synapses.synapses import StateUpdater as synapse_stateupdater
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import Quantity
from brian2 import second, Subgroup
import numpy as np
from .helper import _prepare_identifiers

[docs]def collect_NeuronGroup(group, run_namespace): """ Collect information from `brian2.groups.neurongroup.NeuronGroup` and return them in a dictionary format Parameters ---------- group : brian2.groups.neurongroup.NeuronGroup NeuronGroup object run_namespace : dict Namespace dictionary Returns ------- neuron_dict : dict Dictionary with extracted information """ neuron_dict = {} # identifiers belonging to the NeuronGroup identifiers = set() # get name neuron_dict['name'] = # get size neuron_dict['N'] = group._N # get user defined stateupdation method if isinstance(group.method_choice, str): neuron_dict['user_method'] = group.method_choice # if not specified by user # TODO collect from run time else: neuron_dict['user_method'] = None # get equations neuron_dict['equations'] = collect_Equations(group.user_equations) identifiers = identifiers | group.user_equations.identifiers # check spike event is defined if neuron_dict['events'], event_identifiers = collect_Events(group) identifiers = identifiers | event_identifiers # check any `run_regularly` / CodeRunner objects associated for obj in group.contained_objects: # Note: Thresholder, StateUpdater, Resetter are all derived from # CodeRunner, so to identify `run_regularly` object we use type() if type(obj) == CodeRunner: if 'run_regularly' not in neuron_dict: neuron_dict['run_regularly'] = [] neuron_dict['run_regularly'].append({ 'name':, 'code': obj.abstract_code, 'dt': obj.clock.dt, 'when': obj.when, 'order': obj.order }) identifiers = identifiers | get_identifiers(obj.abstract_code) # check StateUpdater when/order and assign to group level if isinstance(obj, StateUpdater): neuron_dict['when'] = obj.when neuron_dict['order'] = obj.order # resolve group-specific identifiers identifiers = group.resolve_all(identifiers, run_namespace) # with the identifiers connected to group, prune away unwanted identifiers = _prepare_identifiers(identifiers) # check the dictionary is not empty if identifiers: neuron_dict['identifiers'] = identifiers return neuron_dict
[docs]def collect_Equations(equations): """ Collect model equations of the NeuronGroup Parameters ---------- equations : brian2.equations.equations.Equations model equations object Returns ------- eqn_dict : dict Dictionary with extracted information """ eqn_dict = {} # Using the keys of the _equations dictionary makes sure # that we go through the equations in the same order # in which they were defined for name in equations._equations: eqs = equations[name] eqn_dict[name] = {'unit': eqs.unit, 'type': eqs.type, 'var_type': eqs.var_type} if eqs.type != PARAMETER: eqn_dict[name]['expr'] = eqs.expr.code if eqs.flags: eqn_dict[name]['flags'] = eqs.flags return eqn_dict
[docs]def collect_Events(group): """ Collect Events (spiking) of the NeuronGroup Parameters ---------- group : brian2.groups.neurongroup.NeuronGroup NeuronGroup object Returns ------- event_dict : dict Dictionary with extracted information event_identifiers : set Set of identifiers related to events """ event_dict = {} event_identifiers = set() # loop over the thresholder to check `spike` or custom event for event in group.thresholder: # for simplicity create subdict variable for particular event event_dict[event] = {} event_subdict = event_dict[event] # add threshold event_subdict['threshold'] = {'code':[event], 'when': group.thresholder[event].when, 'order': group.thresholder[event].order, 'dt': group.thresholder[event].clock.dt} event_identifiers |= get_identifiers([event]) # check reset is defined if event in group.event_codes: event_subdict['reset'] = {'code': group.event_codes[event], 'when': group.resetter[event].when, 'order': group.resetter[event].order, 'dt': group.resetter[event].clock.dt} event_identifiers |= get_identifiers(group.event_codes[event]) # check refractory is defined (only for spike event) if event == 'spike' and group._refractory: event_subdict['refractory'] = group._refractory return event_dict, event_identifiers
[docs]def collect_SpikeGenerator(spike_gen, run_namespace): """ Extract information from 'brian2.input.spikegeneratorgroup.SpikeGeneratorGroup'and represent them in a dictionary format Parameters ---------- spike_gen : brian2.input.spikegeneratorgroup.SpikeGeneratorGroup SpikeGenerator object run_namespace : dict Namespace dictionary Returns ------- spikegen_dict : dict Dictionary with extracted information """ spikegen_dict = {} identifiers = set() # get name spikegen_dict['name'] = # get size spikegen_dict['N'] = spike_gen.N # get indices of spiking neurons spikegen_dict['indices'] = spike_gen._neuron_index[:] # get spike times for defined neurons spikegen_dict['times'] = Quantity(spike_gen._spike_time[:], second) # get spike period (default period is 0*second will be stored if not # mentioned by the user) spikegen_dict['period'] = spike_gen.period[:] # `run_regularly` / CodeRunner objects of spike_gen # although not a very popular option for obj in spike_gen.contained_objects: if type(obj) == CodeRunner: if 'run_regularly' not in spikegen_dict: spikegen_dict['run_regularly'] = [] spikegen_dict['run_regularly'].append({ 'name':, 'code': obj.abstract_code, 'dt': obj.clock.dt, 'when': obj.when, 'order': obj.order }) identifiers = identifiers | get_identifiers(obj.abstract_code) # resolve group-specific identifiers identifiers = spike_gen.resolve_all(identifiers, run_namespace) # with the identifiers connected to group, prune away unwanted identifiers = _prepare_identifiers(identifiers) # check the dictionary is not empty if identifiers: spikegen_dict['identifiers'] = identifiers return spikegen_dict
[docs]def collect_PoissonGroup(poisson_grp, run_namespace): """ Extract information from 'brian2.input.poissongroup.PoissonGroup' and represent them in a dictionary format Parameters ---------- poisson_grp : brian2.input.poissongroup.PoissonGroup PoissonGroup object run_namespace : dict Namespace dictionary Returns ------- poisson_grp_dict : dict Dictionary with extracted information """ poisson_grp_dict = {} poisson_identifiers = set() # get name poisson_grp_dict['name'] = poisson_grp._name # get size poisson_grp_dict['N'] = poisson_grp._N # get rates (can be Quantity or str) poisson_grp_dict['rates'] = poisson_grp._rates if isinstance(poisson_grp._rates, str): poisson_identifiers |= (get_identifiers(poisson_grp._rates)) # `run_regularly` / CodeRunner objects of poisson_grp for obj in poisson_grp.contained_objects: if type(obj) == CodeRunner: if 'run_regularly' not in poisson_grp_dict: poisson_grp_dict['run_regularly'] = [] poisson_grp_dict['run_regularly'].append({ 'name':, 'code': obj.abstract_code, 'dt': obj.clock.dt, 'when': obj.when, 'order': obj.order }) poisson_identifiers = (poisson_identifiers | get_identifiers(obj.abstract_code)) # resolve group-specific identifiers poisson_identifiers = poisson_grp.resolve_all(poisson_identifiers, run_namespace) # with the identifiers connected to group, prune away unwanted poisson_identifiers = _prepare_identifiers(poisson_identifiers) # check the dictionary is not empty if poisson_identifiers: poisson_grp_dict['identifiers'] = poisson_identifiers return poisson_grp_dict
[docs]def collect_SpikeSource(source): """ Check SpikeSource and collect details Parameters ---------- source : `brian2.core.spikesource.SpikeSource` SpikeSource object """ if isinstance(source, Subgroup): return {'start': source.start, 'stop': source.stop - 1, 'group':} return
[docs]def collect_StateMonitor(state_mon): """ Collect details of `brian2.monitors.statemonitor.StateMonitor` and return them in dictionary format Parameters ---------- state_mon : brian2.monitors.statemonitor.StateMonitor StateMonitor object Returns ------- state_mon_dict : dict Dictionary representation of the collected details """ state_mon_dict = {} # get name state_mon_dict['name'] = # if subgroup extend it state_mon_dict['source'] = collect_SpikeSource(state_mon.source) # get recorded variables state_mon_dict['variables'] = state_mon.record_variables # get record indices # if all members of the source object are being recorded # set 'record_indices' = True, else save indices if state_mon.record_all: state_mon_dict['record'] = state_mon.record_all else: state_mon_dict['record'] = state_mon.record # get no. of record indices state_mon_dict['n_indices'] = state_mon.n_indices # get clock dt of the StateMonitor state_mon_dict['dt'] = state_mon.clock.dt # get when and order of the StateMonitor state_mon_dict['when'] = state_mon.when state_mon_dict['order'] = state_mon.order return state_mon_dict
[docs]def collect_SpikeMonitor(spike_mon): """ Collect details of `brian2.monitors.spikemonitor.SpikeMonitor` and return them in dictionary format Parameters ---------- spike_mon : brian2.monitors.spikemonitor.SpikeMonitor SpikeMonitor object Returns ------- spike_mon_dict : dict Dictionary representation of the collected details """ # pass to EventMonitor as they both are identical spike_mon_dict = collect_EventMonitor(spike_mon) return spike_mon_dict
[docs]def collect_EventMonitor(event_mon): """ Collect details of `EventMonitor` class and return them in dictionary format Parameters ---------- event_mon : brian2.EventMonitor EventMonitor object Returns ------- event_mon_dict : dict Dictionary representation of the collected details """ event_mon_dict = {} # collect name event_mon_dict['name'] = # collect event name event_mon_dict['event'] = event_mon.event # get source object name event_mon_dict['source'] = collect_SpikeSource(event_mon.source) # collect source object size (shall be used for nmlexport) event_mon_dict['source_size'] = event_mon.source.N # collect record variables, (done same as for SpikeMonitor) event_mon_dict['variables'] = list(event_mon.record_variables) # collect record indices and time # change to list if one member to monitor, to have uniformity as # for statemonitor if (hasattr(event_mon.record, '__iter__') or isinstance(event_mon.record, bool)): event_mon_dict['record'] = event_mon.record else: event_mon_dict['record'] = np.array([event_mon.record]) # collect time-step event_mon_dict['dt'] = event_mon.clock.dt # collect when and order event_mon_dict['when'] = event_mon.when event_mon_dict['order'] = event_mon.order return event_mon_dict
[docs]def collect_PopulationRateMonitor(poprate_mon): """ Represent required details of PopulationRateMonitor in dictionary format Parameters ---------- poprate_mon : brian2.monitors.ratemonitor.PopulationRateMonitor PopulationRateMonitor class object Returns ------- poprate_mon_dict : dict Dictionary format of the details collected """ poprate_mon_dict = {} # collect name poprate_mon_dict['name'] = # collect source object poprate_mon_dict['source'] = collect_SpikeSource(poprate_mon.source) # collect time-step poprate_mon_dict['dt'] = poprate_mon.clock.dt # collect when/order poprate_mon_dict['when'] = poprate_mon.when poprate_mon_dict['order'] = poprate_mon.order return poprate_mon_dict
[docs]def collect_Synapses(synapses, run_namespace): """ Collect information from `brian2.synapses.synapses.Synapses` and represent them in dictionary format Parameters ---------- synapses : brian2.synapses.synapses.Synapses Synapses object run_namespace : dict Namespace dictionary Returns ------- synapse_dict : dict Standard dictionary format with collected information """ identifiers = set() synapse_dict = {} # get synapses object name synapse_dict['name'] = # get source and target groups synapse_dict['source'] = collect_SpikeSource(synapses.source) synapse_dict['target'] = collect_SpikeSource( # get governing equations synapse_equations = collect_Equations(synapses.equations) # get identifiers from equations identifiers = identifiers | synapses.equations.identifiers if synapses.event_driven: synapse_equations.update(collect_Equations(synapses.event_driven)) identifiers = identifiers | synapses.event_driven.identifiers # check equations is not empty if synapse_equations: synapse_dict['equations'] = synapse_equations # check state updaters if (synapses.state_updater and isinstance(synapses.state_updater.method_choice, str)): synapse_dict['user_method'] = synapses.state_updater.method_choice # loop over the contained objects summed_variables = [] pathways = [] for obj in synapses.contained_objects: # check summed variables if isinstance(obj, SummedVariableUpdater): summed_var = {'code': obj.expression, 'target': collect_SpikeSource(, 'name':, 'dt': obj.clock.dt, 'when': obj.when, 'order': obj.order } summed_variables.append(summed_var) # check synapse pathways if isinstance(obj, SynapticPathway): path = {'prepost': obj.prepost, 'event': obj.event, 'code': obj.code, 'source': collect_SpikeSource(obj.source), 'target': collect_SpikeSource(, 'name':, 'dt': obj.clock.dt, 'order': obj.order, 'when': obj.when } # check delay is defined if obj.variables['delay'].scalar: path.update({'delay': obj.delay[:]}) pathways.append(path) # check any identifiers specific to pathway expression _, _, unknown = analyse_identifiers(obj.code, obj.variables) identifiers = identifiers | unknown # check any summed variables are used if summed_variables: synapse_dict['summed_variables'] = summed_variables # check any pathways are defined if pathways: synapse_dict['pathways'] = pathways # resolve identifiers and add to dict identifiers = synapses.resolve_all(identifiers, run_namespace) identifiers = _prepare_identifiers(identifiers) if identifiers: synapse_dict['identifiers'] = identifiers return synapse_dict
[docs]def collect_PoissonInput(poinp, run_namespace): """ Collect details of `PoissonInput` and represent them in dictionary Parameters ---------- poinp : brian2.input.poissoninput.PoissonInput PoissonInput object run_namespace : dict Namespace dictionary Returns ------- poinp_dict : dict Dictionary representation of the collected details """ poinp_dict = {} poinp_dict['target'] = poinp_dict['rate'] = poinp.rate poinp_dict['N'] = poinp.N poinp_dict['when'] = poinp.when poinp_dict['order'] = poinp.order poinp_dict['dt'] = poinp.clock.dt poinp_dict['weight'] = poinp._weight poinp_dict['target_var'] = poinp._target_var # collect identifiers, resolve and prune if isinstance(poinp_dict['weight'], str): identifiers = get_identifiers(poinp_dict['weight']) identifiers = poinp._group.resolve_all(identifiers, run_namespace) identifiers = _prepare_identifiers(identifiers) if identifiers: poinp_dict['identifiers'] = identifiers return poinp_dict