Source code for brian2tools.plotting.morphology

Module to plot Brian `~brian2.spatialneuron.morphology.Morphology` objects.
import numpy as np
from brian2.spatialneuron.spatialneuron import FlatMorphology

from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from brian2.units.stdunits import um
from brian2.spatialneuron.morphology import Soma

__all__ = ['plot_morphology', 'plot_dendrogram']

def _plot_morphology2D(morpho, axes, colors, show_diameter=False,
                       show_compartments=True, color_counter=0):
    color = colors[color_counter % len(colors)]

    if isinstance(morpho, Soma):
        x, y = morpho.x/um, morpho.y/um
        radius = morpho.diameter/um/2
        circle = Circle((x, y), radius=radius, color=color)
        # FIXME: Ugly workaround to make the auto-scaling work
        axes.plot([x-radius, x, x+radius, x], [y, y-radius, y, y+radius],
                  color='white', alpha=0.)
        coords = morpho.coordinates/um
        if show_diameter:
            coords_2d = coords[:, :2]
            directions = np.diff(coords_2d, axis=0)
            orthogonal = np.vstack([-directions[:, 1], directions[:, 0]])
            orthogonal = np.vstack([orthogonal.T, orthogonal[:, -1:].T])
            radius = np.hstack([morpho.start_diameter[0]/um/2,
            orthogonal /= np.sqrt(np.sum(orthogonal**2, axis=1))[:, np.newaxis]
            points = np.vstack([coords_2d+ orthogonal*radius[:, np.newaxis],
                                (coords_2d - orthogonal*radius[:, np.newaxis])[::-1]])
            patch = Polygon(points, color=color)
            # FIXME: Ugly workaround to make the auto-scaling work
            axes.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], color='white', alpha=0.)
            axes.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], color=color, lw=2)
        if show_compartments:
            # dots at the center of the compartments
            if show_diameter:
                color = 'black'
            axes.plot(morpho.x/um, morpho.y/um, 'o', color=color,
                      mec='none', alpha=0.75)

    for child in morpho.children:
        _plot_morphology2D(child, axes=axes,
                           colors=colors, color_counter=color_counter+1)

def _plot_morphology3D(morpho, figure, colors, show_diameters=True,
    import mayavi.mlab as mayavi
    colors = np.vstack(colorConverter.to_rgba(c) for c in colors)
    flat_morpho = FlatMorphology(morpho)
    if isinstance(morpho, Soma):
        start_idx = 1
        # Plot the Soma
                        figure=figure, color=tuple(colors[0, :-1]),
                        resolution=16, scale_factor=1)
        start_idx = 0
    if show_compartments:
        # plot points at center of compartment
        if show_diameters:
            diameters = flat_morpho.diameter[start_idx:]/float(um)/10
            diameters = np.ones(len(flat_morpho.diameter) - start_idx)
                        figure=figure, color=(0, 0, 0),
                        resolution=16, scale_factor=1)
    # Plot all other compartments
    start_points = np.vstack([flat_morpho.start_x[start_idx:]/float(um),
    end_points = np.vstack([flat_morpho.end_x[start_idx:]/float(um),
    points = np.empty((2*len(start_points), 3))
    points[::2, :] = start_points
    points[1::2, :] = end_points
    # Create the points at start and end of the compartments
    src = mayavi.pipeline.scalar_scatter(points[:, 0],
                                         points[:, 1],
                                         points[:, 2],
    # Create the lines between compartments
    connections = []
    for start, end in zip(flat_morpho.starts[1:], flat_morpho.ends[1:]):
        # we only need the lines within the sections
        new_connections = [((idx-1)*2, (idx-1)*2 + 1)
                           for idx in range(start, end)]
    connections = np.vstack(connections)
    src.mlab_source.dataset.lines = connections
    if show_diameters:
        radii = flat_morpho.diameter[start_idx:].repeat(2)/float(um)/2
        src.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.get_array(1).name = 'radius'
    lines = mayavi.pipeline.stripper(src)
    if show_diameters:
        lines = mayavi.pipeline.set_active_attribute(lines,
        tubes =
        tubes.filter.vary_radius = 'vary_radius_by_absolute_scalar'
        tubes = mayavi.pipeline.set_active_attribute(tubes,
        tubes =, tube_radius=1)
    max_depth = max(flat_morpho.depth)
    surf = mayavi.pipeline.surface(tubes, colormap='prism', line_width=1,
                                   vmin=0, vmax=max(flat_morpho.depth))
    surf.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.number_of_colors = max_depth + start_idx
    cmap = np.int_(np.round(255*colors[np.arange(max_depth + start_idx)%len(colors), :]))
    surf.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = cmap

[docs]def plot_morphology(morphology, plot_3d=None, show_compartments=False, show_diameter=False, colors=('darkblue', 'darkred'), axes=None): ''' Plot a given `~brian2.spatialneuron.morphology.Morphology` in 2D or 3D. Parameters ---------- morphology : `~brian2.spatialneuron.morphology.Morphology` The morphology to plot plot_3d : bool, optional Whether to plot the morphology in 3D or in 2D. If not set (the default) a morphology where all z values are 0 is plotted in 2D, otherwise it is plot in 3D. show_compartments : bool, optional Whether to plot a dot at the center of each compartment. Defaults to ``False``. show_diameter : bool, optional Whether to plot the compartments with the diameter given in the morphology. Defaults to ``False``. colors : sequence of color specifications A list of colors that is cycled through for each new section. Can be any color specification that matplotlib understands (e.g. a string such as ``'darkblue'`` or a tuple such as `(0, 0.7, 0)`. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `~mayavi.core.api.Scene`, optional A matplotlib `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` (for 2D plots) or mayavi `~mayavi.core.api.Scene` ( for 3D plots) instance, where the plot will be added. Returns ------- axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `~mayavi.core.api.Scene` The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `~mayavi.core.api.Scene` instance that was used for plotting. This object allows to modify the plot further, e.g. by setting the plotted range, the axis labels, the plot title, etc. ''' # Avoid circular import issues from brian2tools.plotting.base import (_setup_axes_matplotlib, _setup_axes_mayavi) if plot_3d is None: # Decide whether to use 2d or 3d plotting based on the coordinates flat_morphology = FlatMorphology(morphology) plot_3d = any(np.abs(flat_morphology.z) > 1e-12) if plot_3d: try: import mayavi.mlab as mayavi except ImportError: raise ImportError('3D plotting needs the mayavi library') axes = _setup_axes_mayavi(axes) axes.scene.disable_render = True _plot_morphology3D(morphology, axes, colors=colors, show_diameters=show_diameter, show_compartments=show_compartments) axes.scene.disable_render = False else: axes = _setup_axes_matplotlib(axes) _plot_morphology2D(morphology, axes, colors, show_compartments=show_compartments, show_diameter=show_diameter) axes.set_xlabel('x (um)') axes.set_ylabel('y (um)') axes.set_aspect('equal') return axes
[docs]def plot_dendrogram(morphology, axes=None): ''' Plot a "dendrogram" of a morphology, i.e. an abstract representation which visualizes the branching structure and the length of each section. Parameters ---------- morphology : `~brian2.spatialneuron.morphology.Morphology` The morphology to visualize. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance used for plotting. Defaults to ``None`` which means that a new `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` will be created for the plot. Returns ------- axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance that was used for plotting. This object allows to modify the plot further, e.g. by setting the plotted range, the axis labels, the plot title, etc. ''' # Avoid circular import issues from brian2tools.plotting.base import _setup_axes_matplotlib axes = _setup_axes_matplotlib(axes) # Get some information from the flattened morphology flat_morpho = FlatMorphology(morphology) section_depth = flat_morpho.depth[flat_morpho.starts] section_distance = flat_morpho.end_distance/float(um) n_sections = flat_morpho.sections max_depth = max(flat_morpho.depth) max_children = max(flat_morpho.morph_children_num) children = flat_morpho.morph_children length_metric = section_distance # Each point should be in the middle of its two outermost terminal points # We go backwards through the tree, noting for each point all terminal # indices in its subtree terminals = [set() for _ in range(n_sections)] terminal_counter = 0 for d in range(max_depth, -1, -1): for idx in np.nonzero(section_depth == d)[0]: child_start_idx = (idx+1)*max_children num_children = flat_morpho.morph_children_num[idx+1] if num_children == 0: terminals[idx] = {terminal_counter} terminal_counter += 1 else: child_indices = children[child_start_idx:child_start_idx+num_children] terminals[idx].update(*[terminals[c-1] for c in child_indices]) # Now we make sure that subtrees starting at a lower x value will be left # of other subtrees # This is probably not the most efficient algorithm, but it seems to work order_strings = [[] for _ in range(terminal_counter)] for idx in np.argsort(length_metric): child_terminals = terminals[idx] for t, order_string in enumerate(order_strings): if t in child_terminals: order_string.extend('A') else: order_string.extend('B') order_strings = [''.join(s) for s in order_strings] terminal_x_values = np.argsort(np.argsort(order_strings)) # Use the re-arranged values to calculate the actual x value for the tree min_index = [min(terminal_x_values[np.array(list(ts), dtype=int)]) for ts in terminals] max_index = [max(terminal_x_values[np.array(list(ts), dtype=int)]) for ts in terminals] x_values = (np.array(min_index) + np.array(max_index)) / 2.0 # Plot the dendogram with lengths of the vertical lines representing the # total distance to the root plt.plot(x_values[0], length_metric[0], 'ko', clip_on=False) for sec, (x, depth) in enumerate(zip(x_values, length_metric)): child_start_idx = (sec+1)*max_children num_children = flat_morpho.morph_children_num[sec+1] if num_children > 0: child_indices = children[child_start_idx:child_start_idx+num_children] child_depth = length_metric[child_indices-1] child_x = x_values[child_indices-1] axes.vlines(child_x, depth, child_depth, clip_on=False, lw=2) axes.hlines(depth, min(child_x), max(child_x), lw=2) axes.set_xticks([]) axes.set_ylabel('distance from root (um)') axes.set_xlim(-1, terminal_counter) return axes