Source code for brian2tools.plotting.synapses

Module to plot synaptic connections.
from collections import Counter

import numpy as np
import as ma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

__all__ = ['plot_synapses']

# Helper functions
def _int_connection_matrix(sources, targets, values):
    Return a 2D connection matrix filled with integer values (typically the
    number of synapses) in the form of a masked matrix (values equal to 0 are

    sources : ndarray of int
        The indices of the source neurons for each value.
    targets : ndarray of int
        The indices of the target neurons for each value.
    values : ndarray of int or int
        The value for each (source, target) pair.

    matrix : ma.MaskedArray
        The connection matrix, masked for 0 values
    assert np.min(values) > 0 and np.max(values) < 256
    full_matrix = np.zeros((np.max(targets) - np.min(targets) + 1,
                            np.max(sources) - np.min(sources) + 1),
    full_matrix[targets - np.min(targets),
                sources - np.min(sources)] = values
    return ma.masked_equal(full_matrix, 0, copy=False)

def _float_connection_matrix(sources, targets, values):
    Return a 2D connection matrix filled with floating point values (synaptic
    weights, delays, ...) in the form of a masked matrix (entries without value
    are set to NaN and masked).

    sources : ndarray of int
        The indices of the source neurons for each value.
    targets : ndarray of int
        The indices of the target neurons for each value.
    values : ndarray of float
        The value for each (source, target) pair.

    matrix : ma.MaskedArray
        The connection matrix, masked for NaN values
    full_matrix = np.ones((np.max(targets) - np.min(targets) + 1,
                           np.max(sources) - np.min(sources) + 1)) * np.nan
    full_matrix[targets - np.min(targets), sources - np.min(sources)] = values
    masked_matrix = ma.masked_invalid(full_matrix, copy=False)
    return masked_matrix

def _discrete_color_mapping(user_cmap, n_synapses):
    cmap =, np.max(n_synapses))
    bounds = np.arange(np.max(n_synapses) + 1) + 0.5
    norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
    return bounds, cmap, norm

# Plot functions
[docs]def plot_synapses(sources, targets, values=None, var_unit=None, var_name=None, plot_type='scatter', axes=None, **kwds): ''' Parameters ---------- sources : `~numpy.ndarray` of int The source indices of the connections (as returned by ``Synapses.i``). targets : `~numpy.ndarray` of int The target indices of the connections (as returned by ``Synapses.j``). values : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity`, `~numpy.ndarray` The values to plot, a 1D array of the same size as ``sources`` and ``targets``. var_unit : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Unit`, optional The unit to use to plot the ``values`` (e.g. ``mV`` for a membrane potential). If none is given (the default), an attempt is made to find a good scale automatically based on the ``values``. var_name : str, optional The name of the variable that is plotted. Used for the axis label. plot_type : {``'scatter'``, ``'image'``, ``'hexbin'``}, optional What type of plot to use. Can be ``'scatter'`` (the default) to draw a scatter plot, ``'image'`` to display the connections as a matrix or ``'hexbin'`` to display a 2D histogram using matplotlib's `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.hexbin` function. For a large number of synapses, ``'scatter'`` will be very slow. Similarly, an ``'image'`` plot will use a lot of memory for connections between two large groups. For a small number of neurons and synapses, ``'hexbin'`` will be hard to interpret. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance used for plotting. Defaults to ``None`` which means that a new `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` will be created for the plot. kwds : dict, optional Any additional keywords command will be handed over to the respective matplotlib command (`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` if the ``plot_type`` is ``'scatter'``, `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` for ``'image'``, and `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.hexbin` for ``'hexbin'``). This can be used to set plot properties such as the ``marker``. Returns ------- axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance that was used for plotting. This object allows to modify the plot further, e.g. by setting the plotted range, the axis labels, the plot title, etc. ''' # Avoid circular import issues from brian2tools.plotting.base import _setup_axes_matplotlib axes = _setup_axes_matplotlib(axes) sources = np.asarray(sources) targets = np.asarray(targets) if not len(sources) == len(targets): raise TypeError('Length of sources and targets does not match.') if plot_type not in ['scatter', 'image', 'hexbin']: raise ValueError("plot_type has to be either 'scatter', 'image', or " "'hexbin' (was: %r)" % plot_type) # Get some information out of the values if provided if values is not None: if len(values) != len(sources): raise TypeError('Length of values and sources/targets does not ' 'match.') if var_name is None: var_name = getattr(values, 'name', None) # works for a VariableView if var_unit is None: try: var_unit = values[:]._get_best_unit() except AttributeError: pass if var_unit is not None: values = values / var_unit if plot_type != 'hexbin': # For "hexbin", we are binning multiple synapses anyway, so we don't # have to make a difference for multiple synapses connection_count = Counter(zip(sources, targets)) multiple_synapses = np.any(np.array(list(connection_count.values())) > 1) edgecolor = kwds.pop('edgecolor', 'none') if plot_type != 'hexbin' and multiple_synapses: if values is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Plotting variables with multiple " "synapses per source-target pair is only " "implemented for 'hexbin' plots.") unique_sources, unique_targets = zip(*connection_count.keys()) n_synapses = list(connection_count.values()) bounds, cmap, norm = _discrete_color_mapping(kwds.pop('cmap', None), n_synapses) # Make the plot if plot_type == 'scatter': marker = kwds.pop('marker', ',') axes.scatter(unique_sources, unique_targets, marker=marker, c=n_synapses, edgecolor=edgecolor, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwds) else: assert np.max(n_synapses) < 256 matrix = _int_connection_matrix(unique_sources, unique_targets, n_synapses) origin = kwds.pop('origin', 'lower') interpolation = kwds.pop('interpolation', 'nearest') axes.imshow(matrix, origin=origin, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, **kwds) # Add the colorbar locatable_axes = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = locatable_axes.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ticks=bounds-0.5) cax.set_ylabel('number of synapses') else: if plot_type == 'scatter': marker = kwds.pop('marker', ',') color = kwds.pop('color', values if values is not None else 'none') plotted = axes.scatter(sources, targets, marker=marker, c=color, edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwds) elif plot_type == 'image': if values is not None: matrix = _float_connection_matrix(sources, targets, values) else: matrix = _int_connection_matrix(sources, targets, 1) origin = kwds.pop('origin', 'lower') interpolation = kwds.pop('interpolation', 'nearest') vmin = kwds.pop('vmin', 1 if values is None else None) plotted = axes.imshow(matrix, origin=origin, interpolation=interpolation, vmin=vmin, **kwds) elif plot_type == 'hexbin': if values is None: # Counting synapses mincnt = kwds.pop('mincnt', 1) else: mincnt = kwds.pop('mincnt', None) plotted = axes.hexbin(sources, targets, C=values, mincnt=mincnt, **kwds) if values is not None or plot_type == 'hexbin': # Add a colorbar locatable_axes = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = locatable_axes.append_axes('right', size='7.5%', pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(plotted, cax=cax) if var_name is None: if var_unit is not None: cax.set_ylabel('in units of %s' % str(var_unit)) else: label = var_name if var_unit is not None: label += ' (%s)' % str(var_unit) cax.set_ylabel(label) axes.set_xlim(-1, max(sources) + 1) axes.set_ylim(-1, max(targets) + 1) axes.set_xlabel('source neuron index') axes.set_ylabel('target neuron index') return axes