Source code for

Module to plot simulation data (raster plots, etc.)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from brian2.units.stdunits import ms, Hz
from brian2.units.fundamentalunits import Quantity

__all__ = ['plot_raster', 'plot_state', 'plot_rate']

[docs]def plot_raster(spike_indices, spike_times, time_unit=ms, axes=None, **kwds): ''' Plot a "raster plot", a plot of neuron indices over spike times. The default marker used for plotting is ``'.'``, it can be overriden with the ``marker`` keyword argument. Parameters ---------- spike_indices : `~numpy.ndarray` The indices of spiking neurons, corresponding to the times given in ``spike_times``. spike_times : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` A sequence of spike times. time_unit : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Unit`, optional The unit to use for the time axis. Defaults to ``ms``, but longer simulations could use ``second``, for example. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance used for plotting. Defaults to ``None`` which means that a new `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` will be created for the plot. kwds : dict, optional Any additional keywords command will be handed over to matplotlib's `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` command. This can be used to set plot properties such as the ``color``. Returns ------- axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance that was used for plotting. This object allows to modify the plot further, e.g. by setting the plotted range, the axis labels, the plot title, etc. ''' # Avoid circular import issues from brian2tools.plotting.base import _setup_axes_matplotlib axes = _setup_axes_matplotlib(axes) axes.plot(spike_times/time_unit, spike_indices, '.', **kwds) axes.set_xlabel('time (%s)' % time_unit) axes.set_ylabel('neuron index') return axes
[docs]def plot_state(times, values, time_unit=ms, var_unit=None, var_name=None, axes=None, **kwds): ''' Parameters ---------- times : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` The array of times for the data points given in ``values``. values : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity`, `~numpy.ndarray` The values to plot, either a 1D array with the same length as ``times``, or a 2D array with ``len(times)`` rows. time_unit : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Unit`, optional The unit to use for the time axis. Defaults to ``ms``, but longer simulations could use ``second``, for example. var_unit : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Unit`, optional The unit to use to plot the ``values`` (e.g. ``mV`` for a membrane potential). If none is given (the default), an attempt is made to find a good scale automatically based on the ``values``. var_name : str, optional The name of the variable that is plotted. Used for the axis label. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance used for plotting. Defaults to ``None`` which means that a new `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` will be created for the plot. kwds : dict, optional Any additional keywords command will be handed over to matplotlib's `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` command. This can be used to set plot properties such as the ``color``. Returns ------- axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance that was used for plotting. This object allows to modify the plot further, e.g. by setting the plotted range, the axis labels, the plot title, etc. ''' # Avoid circular import issues from brian2tools.plotting.base import _setup_axes_matplotlib axes = _setup_axes_matplotlib(axes) if var_unit is None: if isinstance(values, Quantity): var_unit = values._get_best_unit() if var_unit is not None: values /= var_unit axes.plot(times / time_unit, values, **kwds) axes.set_xlabel('time (%s)' % time_unit) if var_unit is not None: axes.set_ylabel('%s (%s)' % (var_name, var_unit)) else: axes.set_ylabel('%s' % var_name) return axes
[docs]def plot_rate(times, rate, time_unit=ms, rate_unit=Hz, axes=None, **kwds): ''' Parameters ---------- times : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` The time points at which the ``rate`` is measured. rate : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` The population rate for each time point in ``times`` time_unit : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Unit`, optional The unit to use for the time axis. Defaults to ``ms``, but longer simulations could use ``second``, for example. time_unit : `~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Unit`, optional The unit to use for the rate axis. Defaults to ``Hz``. axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance used for plotting. Defaults to ``None`` which means that a new `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` will be created for the plot. kwds : dict, optional Any additional keywords command will be handed over to matplotlib's `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` command. This can be used to set plot properties such as the ``color``. Returns ------- axes : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance that was used for plotting. This object allows to modify the plot further, e.g. by setting the plotted range, the axis labels, the plot title, etc. ''' # Avoid circular import issues from brian2tools.plotting.base import _setup_axes_matplotlib axes = _setup_axes_matplotlib(axes) axes.plot(times/time_unit, rate/rate_unit, **kwds) axes.set_xlabel('time (%s)' % time_unit) axes.set_ylabel('population rate (%s)' % rate_unit) return axes